⚡️✅ MEET THE REAL HACKERS ✅⚡️ It Tears me Up Whenever we receive complaints from Clients About Their Experience With the Hackers They Met Before They Heard about us. These Days There Are alot of Hackers Online, You Just Have to Be Careful about who you meet for help, because many people now don't know who to ask for help anymore but there's really an actual solution to that which I am giving you for free, Don't go for the incompetent ones which I know you understand what I'm saying like hackers using gmail, yahoomail and other cheaper email accounts that could be easily hacked ⚠️π· , come to think of it, why the fuck would a REAL HACKER want to use a Mailing Service that brings out his vulnerabilities? ❌❌ ❌ so can you see they are really not who they say they're, they are just here to Rip people Off, You Can Always Identify Them With Their False Write Ups and False Testimonies Trying To Lure you Into their Arms. ❌❌❌ and my advice really goes out to yo...
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People use spy software for tracking the location of a person or call recording but this method fails many times and they usually don't get the desired results because they usually require having the phone physically to proceed with any hack or spy process that involves Apps installation. By hiring an ethical hacker/CEH specialist, you are capable of not only reading the sent messages but also capable of reading received messages i.e. deleted and real-time. You can get all information about the target person by hiring us to help you track SMS or the entire phone. If you are a concerned parent, you can hire us to help you hack and spy SMS tracker for finding the details of messaging of your child. You can also use to monitor the messages of an employee that you think to be suspicious for your business. Married couples or people in relationships too can use this service to find out what their partners might be up to behind their backs. The important features of our effec...
Can Hackers Track A stolen Phone with Its IMEI Number???
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Yes, it is doable. Well, the answer is as simple as that, but I’ll put some knowledge base on why it is doable and what it takes to do that. Do you know why we call the mobile phones network as ‘cellular network’? Because the network covering the whole country is not one gigantic network with 1 super huge antenna, but rather thousands of interconnected small networks. Each small network has at least one cell tower that can covers an area with a few kilometres radius (could be smaller in densed area because they use a much smaller antenna), this individual area is what we call as ‘cell’. Each time you move between cell (eg: driving, walking), your phone is disconnecting from the previous cell tower to the new one. And this is the key on why it is doable to find a phone location based on IMEI (phone serial number) or ICCID (sim card serial number), The network always needs to know the connected phone of each cell tower, because they need to know how to get to your phone in cas...
Is Software Engineering These Days Mostly About Writing Glue Codes To Stitch Frameworks Together????
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The code in frameworks will take care of the technical stuff. Back in the days of Assembler, one would be messing around in the processor register and in memory. A higher-level language like C would largely abstract that away for you, but you were still using byte arrays (of type char) to work with text, and if you were using a char array to work with text, you would still have to make sure you terminated the arrays correctly, or all hell would break loose. Allow me to hop, skip and jump a couple years forward: Java takes care of your pointers and your strings in a way that actually makes a lot of sense when you are trying to write business logic. It allows you to create and organise complex objects, and it provides you with the tools to make related objects behave consistently. That takes a lot of the technical hullabaloo. But when writing a decent application that has business logic in it, you still have to come up with that business logic yourself. You may n...
Why Do Programmers Use Multiple Screens????
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In my experience there are two reasons for using multiple screens. First, it does have some tangible productivity benefits. Though, the higher resolution and larger screens of modern times makes possibly a bigger difference than multiple monitors. When I was first learning to code, my family had a Packard Bell computer with a 14 inch monitor. This was in the mid 90’s so the common resolution was something like 640 x 480 or 800 x 600. Writing code on a small monitor with very low resolution seems crazy now, but it wasn’t then. The way it worked is I would write code in Notepad, then switch to the Windows command line to run the compiler. Most of the time my code didn’t compile and I’d switch to Notepad to fix my code. Years later I put together my own computer with a 17″ monitor. I believe the resolution increased to 1024 x 768 or maybe even 1280x1024. That was a big step up. At that point it was far easier to run the compiler and the code editor side by side. Now, I’m...
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Welcome Buddies ! Ever wondered "How you can check their last seen and Profile pics even after they blocked you?" Well today I'm back another awesome whatsapp trick . In which You can easily track someone , spy them . Well , there is an App called " WhatsDog " With WhatsDog you can spy on any number of your choice. The person not necessarily should be on your contacts list all you have to do is know your victim’s number and WhatsDog will start spying his/her activities on WhstApp on regular basis. When you start tracking your victim a calendar is created in WhatsDog from which you can keep records of your Victim’s activities on WhatsApp. You can track activities on your desired mode like 24 hours long, or a week long details. And even you track records of a month long. Let's Begin The Trick 1. First of all, Download & install WhatsDog App. DOWNLOAD FROM THEIR OFFICIAL SITE 2. Now, tap on start from the mai...
How to Hack and Access Unsecured Security Cameras Around the World
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Technological advancement has made it possible for one to do basically anything that comes to mind using the internet. The internet has moved from the days where the web is solely used for text based information to the era where one can sit in his room and communicate with thousands of people around the web, share software, video, audio, photos and web cameras and security cameras as well. Though most security cameras shared on the web are meant for public display, very few of them are intended to be used privately by an organization or individual. One thing that most people don’t realize is google index all these security cameras streamed on the web and can easily be searched and viewed using Google. In this tutorial I’m going to show you how you can easily search and view unprotected security cameras using Google. Now open your browser and go to Google and type in any of the following inside the search box. inurl:"CgiStart?page=" inurl:/view.shtml in...